[Review] Boat Bassheads 220 vs 225 Specs Comparison

If you also want to buy wired earphones and you have to choose between Boat Bassheads 220 vs 225 then which one will you buy?

Generally, when the price is the same, then you have to compare the specifications of both.

Bassheads 220 vs 225

That’s why we have compared the full specs for you so that you can choose the right wired earphone.

So let us know which is the best feature earphone in Boat Bassheads 220 vs 225 and which are the better options for you.

Boat Bassheads 220 vs 225 Specs Comparison

Boat Bassheads 220Boat Bassheads 225
Launch DateLaunch Date
28th May 20181st January 2017
Flipkart RatingAmazon Rating
Super Extra bassSuper Extra bass
92db ±3db (dB) 92db ±3db
Frequency ResponseFrequency Response
16 Ohm32 Ohm
In-built MicIn-built Mic
Mic TypeMic Type
In-line controlIn-line control
Cord LengthCord Length
Tangle FreeTangle Free
Connect sizeConnect size
L-Shaped Gold PlatedL-Shaped Gold Plated
Passive noise cancellationPassive noise cancellation

Difference Between Bassheads 220 Vs 225

If you see the difference between bassheads 220 vs 225, then there is no difference between the two wired earphones, if you look at the price or the specs.

If you see the difference in specification, then the basshead 220 has an impedance of 16 Ohm while the basshead 225 has 32 Ohm.

With these specs, you get the sound a bit loud in the Boat Basshead 220 and the battery may consume a little bit more.

Boat Basshead 225 maybe a little less loud sound but the battery also consumes less compared to boat basshead 220.

If you see other differences, then both earphones are available in different markets place.

Boat Bassheads 220 you can get only on Flipkart whereas boat basshead 225 you can buy from Amazon both earphones priced at Rs.549.

Boat Bassheads 220 Or Boat Bassheads 220 Review

If you look at Boat Bassheads 220 or 220, both are very good earphones and come with good sound & extra bass.

Both have metal earbuds & tangle-free wire which make their quality much better.

You do not get ANC in these earphones, but you experience much better music with Passive Noise Canceling.

It has a 3.5 mm universal jack which is L-shaped with gold plated designed by the company and which can rotate up to 360 degrees which gives you some good durability as well comfort.

The boAt Bassheads 225 or 220 wired is plane & falling type so that the earphones can slip your shoulder.

It has a good built-in quality of mic which is good enough for calls like in the brand of the boat.

Both the earphones have been rated more than 4 stars on Flipkart and Amazon and the number of reviews is in lakhs that good shine for best earphones.

If your budget is below 600 and you want to buy boat earphone which has better sound and built quality then you can definitely go for this earphone.

Frequency Asked Questions

Q1.Is boAt BassHeads 220 waterproof?

Ans. No, BoAt Bassheads 220 is not a Waterproof earphone.

Q2.Are 220 and 225 boats the same?

Ans. Yes Boat 220 and 225 are the same in the design, built quality also sound it’s a little bit different which we have mentioned above

Q3.Is boat bassheads 225 compatible with Nokia 6?

Ans. Yes, Boat Basshead 225 is Compatible with Nokia 6 smartphone.

Q4.How can take boat Warranty earphones?

Ans, you can read the article on how to claim boat warranty complete process click the link.

Q5.What is the Boat Customer Care Number?

Ans. Boat Customer care Number is 022-6918-1920 [For Warranty And Product Related Queries]